No, you didn't mention that you had a Kenwood Head-unit. Specifically, I'm using the KDC-X590. I called Kenwood tech support today, and the tech escalated the issue for me. Hope they can find an answer.
No, I'm not suggesting partitioning the SD card. However, that is an interesting idea.... I was just stating that I was able to recover data on my SD card by using a partition editor and shifting the partition over. I was also able to recover everything using a data recovery program (even after a reformat!)
Did you say that deleting the .menc file permanently fixes the problem? Or just a quick fix? I like to run tomtom navigator and the map data is on my storage card, so when the Kenwood locks it down, it makes tomtom useless.
I'm going to test afew things to see what causes the .menc file and subsequent lockdown to the Kenwood.
1. Stopping all SD card access before removing the phone by changing the source on the head unit from USB to something else before disconnecting the phone. Or even getting the .menc file to appear and then seeing if this method will remove it.
2. Switching the phone from Disk Drive to ActiveSync mode before disconnecting.
3. Finding a Windows Mobile PPC program that will force mount the SD card and delete the .menc file. Might play with this
SD card program.