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Old 02-26-2009, 02:30 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

Originally Posted by magoo66 View Post
Question about SmartPhoneTracker...

Since I only have one cell phone to test this with, I'm sending the trigger SMS to my phone via e-mail. In the real world, you can send a text to an e-mail address without problem. However, when I have "reply via sms to the sender's number" option checked, a huge screen-long error message pops up that I can't decipher. Has anyone had success having SPT send a reply sms to an e-mail address?

Issue #2: Now assume I do not have the sms reply enabled, only e-mail... I have it set to run in background mode, however every time my phone receives the trigger sms, the screen turns on and it launches pocket outlook and runs the send/receive. This process is quite obvious to anyone holding the phone. Certainly not stealth mode. How can I hide the entire process? As I said, I DO have it set to run in background mode, which only seems to not launch the SPT program, but it still launches the e-mail program.

Issue #1 That will not work like that...all though it shouldnt have thrown an error..if it set to back ground then you wont see it.

Issue #2 since its using an email on the phone that will happen..thats i rely fully on sms and choosing detailed and works great.

heres the web site:

there is others out there like nuegps...which is good but its donationware.
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