Originally Posted by majorassface
RDP default port is 3389
I've got RDP working on my Diamond and don't use a third party app. If you're behind a router than you will have to setup a dns, it's real easy just do a google search and you will find a million tuts. Forward port 3389 to your PC and make sure your firewall rules allow it. That's it, then on your phone hit RDP, enter the dns you set for your router as the computer name and then your pc user name and pswd and it works. Let me know if you have trouble.
Can someone please check my work? Can't get it to work...dont know why.
I am using Vista and my computer is connected to a router
1. went to whatismyipaddress.com from the computer I want to access and wrote it down
2. went to dynDNS and signed up for a dynamic DNS. I checked the "host ip option" I used auto-detect ip there and it came up with the same ip from above. When I finished signing up I installed their DynDNS updater to my machine in case my ip changes
3. set up a static ip on the computer I want to conncet to.
4. Forwarded the port to the above static ip.
5. Setup DDNS in my router settings:
put in my DynDNS username for "username"
put in my DynDNS password for "password"
put in "myname.kicks-***.net" for "hostname"
selected "dynamic" form the drop down
Then I hit update and it say "updated"
6. Fire wall in windows and router is off.
7. I enabled "allow remote connections" in system on the computer I want to connect with.
8. I had never setup my PC user name so I did that under accounts and assigned a password.
9. Went to my TP and opened RDT and put in:
"myname.kicks-***.net" under "computer"
put in my cumputer's name under "user name"
put in my computer's password under "password"
I left domain blank.
When I hit connect I get:
Cannot connect: 1) specified computer name or IP does not exist. 2) A network error occured while establishing a connection.
I can't figure it out.....What did I miss?????