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Old 02-25-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post

Will you be running that on VZW or Sprint network?

And save almost $1,000 a year... AFTER THE concellation fees we will have to pay.

We did a side by siode of plans.... For what we got on VZW for TWO LINES.... is less than HALF for the exact same plan on Sprint with three times the minutes! (unlimited data and texting on both)

VZW minutes shared - 750, no VZ Nav or anything special.... $220 a month
SPRInt 1500 minutes - unlimited everything, TV Nav, Radio, etc... $115 a month.....

Ummmmm Yah, By By VZW! Hello Sprint!

Oddly enough, I even get better signal with Sprint!

Donations always accepted but never expected!
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