Re: | February 25th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.12 | . | 20765-UC | . | 24 MB - P
Originally Posted by zikronix
yes there is via uc, but sms is your best option. and you dont need to hard reset if your testing smart phone tracker just delete settings.ini
when your all configured you should
configure smart tracker then browse to program files\smartphonetracker then copy the settings.ini to a folder on your sd card for examples sake we will create a folder called cabs so copy that file to the cabs folder on your sd card
create a text file called sdconfig.txt in the root of your sd card with this command
CPY1: \Storage Card\Cabs\settings.ini
CPY2: \Program Files\SmartPhoneTracker\settings.ini
RST: Reset
this will copy it from your storage card to the device. Whats gonna happen is its gonna lock the phone so they cant input any thing...copy the file then reset the phone.
you can set your own paths, but thats how mine is set up
this will allow uc to copy over the settings file just incase some one does hard reset your phone... a phone lock is always good to im going to use s2u2 the new one that just came out
Thanks - I am relying on SMS only at this time... (but this will leave a trace in the 'sent' folder for SMSs - no ? )
Can you please point me to the UC way to setting up email accounts also please ?
"Karmanyev Adhikaraste : Karma is what we should do with our best effort... "