Re: | February 25th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.12 | . | 20765-UC | . | 24 MB - P
Originally Posted by zikronix
that was me
create a text file called sdconfig.txt with this command
CPY1: \Storage Card\Cabs\Root\settings.ini
CPY2: \Program Files\SmartPhoneTracker\settings.ini
RST: Reset
this will copy it from your storage card to the device
Got it - I would add another steps for some thickheads (like I become sometimes).. that after you have changed the settings to your liking on the tracker app, save a copy to the SD card on that folder.
"Karmanyev Adhikaraste : Karma is what we should do with our best effort... "