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Old 02-25-2009, 11:05 AM
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Re: New Rom for New Flasher

Turned out the problem was with oggsync afterall. Worked around it by setting up google sync and microsoft exchange.. Still no word on the automated facebook contact pictures though. I know you could manually do it, but you'd have to go to every page for every contact, where this was completely automated, made it look like going through your whole phonebook would be easy..

Edit: I think I might've found what I was looking for with a program called SkyBook. It's running through now, I'll update when I find out whether it's worth having or not, for anyone interested.

Edit: Turns out SkyBook is not worth anything at all as I couldn't get it's main feature to work. Though I did find a work around. I downloaded the files here:, made sure I had .Net framework 3.5 installed, and then ran it. (The screen that comes up is your google account and password, it's not very clear). I let it run, and when I checked my contacts in my google account it didn't have any pictures showing up, but I sync'd anyways. I checked after the sync and voila! Not every contact worked (Shows the '?' picture you see in facebook at times), but for the most part it did. Hope this helps someone. Should I consider making this a seperate thread?

Last edited by WythDryden; 02-25-2009 at 03:41 PM.