Originally Posted by ou2mame
the weird thing is, i did the exact same thing to my phone, and i can still create email accounts. the only difference is i already had an email account setup... but i can create more.
is there a program to export email accounts, so you can load them on a new phone? like, if i put her email account on my phone, and then exported it, and imported it to hers? that would do the trick.
I am not sure if you can export email accounts but when i used PIM backup by Dotfred i noticed it backs up Emails as well so if you already have the email accounts setup on her phone all u have to do is restore them once you got everything else working. It worked for me that way. I didn't even use SKtools this time around just in case it freaks out on me again.....Much much better program then the Crappy Sprint Pic Main BS.....but it was a pain to get it to work properly. Hope this helps