Originally Posted by jonnyb120
hi. I just started working with WP and love it so far. I do need some help. I copied over a few themes and icons but i can't get anything to change. Could anyone offer some advice? (working on a 700wx). thanks!
Make sure you've followed these steps:
1. Install a Theme:
1.1 Unzip the theme files onto your PC hard drive
(be sure to use folder names).
1.2 Connect your device to the PC.
1.3 From Windows Exporer, open:
My Computer, Mobile Device, My Windows Mobile-Based Device,
\Program Files\MarsWare\WeatherPanel\Themes
1.4 Copy the theme folder and it's contents into the Themes folder
on your device. Your folders should then look something like
this (using PhatPhinger III as an example):
- Program Files
- MarsWare
- WeatherPanel
- data
+ Icons
- Themes
- PhatPhinger III QVGA
2. Install an Icon set:
2.1 Unzip the icon files onto your PC hard drive
(be sure to use folder names).
2.2 Connect your device to the PC.
2.3 From Windows Exporer, open:
My Computer, Mobile Device, My Windows Mobile-Based Device,
\Program Files\MarsWare\WeatherPanel\Icons
2.4 Copy the Icons folder (and it's contents)
from your PC into the Icons folder on your device.
Your folders should then look like this (showing
Umicons in this example):
- Program Files
- MarsWare
- WeatherPanel
- data
- Icons
+ Umicons QVGA Icons
+ Default
+ Themes
3. Go to the WeatherPanel settings (Display tab) and configure
the theme, layout and icons.