my touch pro locks up on the password screen!!!!!!!!!!
Every once in a while it wold lock up and i would have to do the soft reset. It would start up again no problem. This time the battery was fixing to die so i plug it in and it goes to the screen that i have set as my info page, i tap it once and it will go to my password unlock page if it had been sitting long enough. well i couldnt even get past my info page. no response in any way, would even turn off. (that is plugged in) so then i try the soft reset 3,4 times, no change. take the battery out, wait, turn it on, no change. Then i try turning it back on while unplugged and i wouldnt let me tap the info scren to get to the password screen but it would lock up right after i put in the password. So the difference is between plugged in and not plugged but either way wont let ge tpast the password unlock screen. WWWHHHHYYYYY??????please help