Originally Posted by impudent1
I'm in like Flynn now baby. I dug deep enough into my firewall mfg's website that I finally found an app similar to activesync that tossed cabs over. Now I had to abandon PPTP and go with IPsec instead. Fortunately I created the user on the firewall, and it was courteous enough to generate a .wxg file. I dumped that into a profile in the pc manager app, and boooyaah I was golden.
This will not work for anyone who doesn't have a watchguard firewall, so outside of this, I probably am not much help.
Watchguards are nice firewalls, my friend uses a few of them where he works.
Unfortunately we use Juniper Netscreen and ISA Server 2006 (You'd think MS's top end VPN solution would work better with WinMo...sigh) I will have to poke around and see if there is one for Netscreen. WinMo devices are use a lot for mobile sales, inventory, etc, so I would imagine they have something that works well with them...hmm...