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Old 02-24-2009, 11:31 AM
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Unhappy Re: Using GoDaddy (or other paid email address) with a Sprint Smart Phone

I have followed all steps you mentioned and have even called Sprint Tier II and got my password for my Sprint email but I am still not able to send out emails.

Originally Posted by DalesWife View Post
Hi Everybody!

I've come to ppcgeeks for alot of information and have always been the "user". I'm posting this just hoping that maybe I can help somebody else out who has a Sprint Smart Phone.

Sprint discontinued their email addresses at the end of last year, so unless you had a popular, free email address like AOL or GMail, you couldn't send emails from your phone. I've gone round and round with Sprint to no avail. I have spent hours at the local Sprint store and even had the technicians there call GoDaddy, who hosts my domain and where I have my email address. Nobody has been able to fix this issue.

I could GET email, but not SEND email - which negates the purpose of having the phone. When an email does come to my phone, I have to drive home or to the nearest place possible to send a reply....or launch opera or internet explorer. I could not reply via the envelope icon on the home page of my HTC Touch Pro.

The best advice I got at the Sprint Store was to discontinue using my GoDaddy account and start using GMail or AOL. That is SO not acceptable, since my email is ME@MYBUSINESSNAME.COM.

If you're having the same problem call Sprint Tier II Technical Support (877.345.7895) and ask them to set you up with a User Name and Password for the outgoing mail server. Even though they discontinued this for the "masses", the CAN and WILL set up one for you if you call and ask. Even the techs at the local Sprint store were NOT aware of this!

You cannot send the email unless you have a sprint email address. Outgoing email must go through the Sprint server in order to be sent, while incoming mail does not.

The rest of the settings you will need (for GODADDY) are below...for other providers you'll have to call, but the Sprint info below may be helpful:

Email Address: You @ Your GoDaddy
Your Password: the password you use to access your go daddy account
Click NEXT


Your Email Provider: Internet Email
Click Next

Your Name: Dales Wife
Account Display Name: 'GoDaddy Email" or whatever you'd like to call it so you can identify this account (you can have several email accounts sent to your phone).
Click NEXT

Incoming Mail Server:
Account Type: POP3
Click NEXT

User Name: Again enter You@ Your GoDaddy
Password: Enter your password Again

Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server:
CHECK Outgoing server requires authentication
UNCHECK Use the same user name and password for sending email

Advanced Server Settings:
DO NOT Check Require SSL for Incoming e-mail
DO NOT Check: Require SSL for Outgoing e-mail
Click DONE to return to previous screen
Click NEXT

Outgoing Server Login: TheNameGivenTo
Password: When you call Sprint Tier II they will ask you what password you'd like.
Check Save Password.

Automatic Send/Receive: I use every 5 minutes and it doesn't seem to run my battery down.

The email address you're give will never show up on any email you send to anyone - that will simply log you onto Sprint's server. When you receive a reply it will not go to the, it will come directly to your email inbox. Everything appears to come from YOU@YOUREMAILADDRESS. After you set this up, you can virtually forget the information - though I would recommend saving it somewhere, it is alot of information.

FYI: My email address with GoDaddy is a POP3, not an IMAP.

This has been driving me crazy for two months now so I really hope this information helps somebody else out, since you all have helped me out so many times in the past. Best of luck!
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