Themes, icons, taskbar questions
Sprint Touch Pro user here.
I wanted to test out some themes, icons and taskbar changes but I've run into a few problems.
I installed the SprintFlip Clock and started to find a theme. All this with TF3D config installed as well. I found two different formats of themes (cabs, files).
The cab I used worked fine. The majority of themes I found weren't cabs. How can I do a mass backup of all my stock files prior to themeing so I can revert back if I don't like it? Also is there a way to do an image (like with a pc) of my current set up so that if things go crazy I could flash back to it and back to my current state?
Taskbars. I installed a new taskbar but it was for a GSM taskbar...any good high res Sprint CDMA taskbars out there?
With TF3D config installed could I just find a theme and create a folder on my sd card where the themes are located and go from there? I found a dirty paper them I want to use but the folder is filled with a ton of manilla files but I'm more worried about reverting back if it doesn't work.
I've been looking through the forums but can't find an all encompassing thread that goes over all the different theme types, taskbars and for a safe revert back stock if things don't go well.
Thanks in advance.