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Old 08-10-2007, 10:40 AM
vst_ace's Avatar
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well i got a call from my local sprint repair store yesterday, and they said my new 6800 had arrived to replace my dead 6700!!!

i didn't even ask about the mogul during my visit, so i cant really figure out why they did it, especially if they have a bunch of new 6700 around.

i was quite taken aback. i just bought a new 2700mah battery for my 6700, and a 2gb card(both i'll have to sell now)

WM6 seems very close to WM5.
the phone speed seems ok, perhaps even slower than a 3.5aku 6700
stylistically is where it really shines. much lighter and smaller, which i love
it even came with a 512mb micro sd, too!
many more buttons as well.

do you guys think most of the 6700 apps will have no problem on WM6?
i'm kind of concerned about voice command, weather panel, jimmy's dialler and noviiremote.
also, am i right to assume there are no custom roms out yet for the mogul? i hate the sprint branding, and all of the lame crap they toss in there(on demand, sprint music store, etc, etc)

all i can say is, smile at your sprint repair center clerk(it was not a "sprint store".) my store was at a mall, with all younger people working there(not that they had anything to do with me getting the upgrade, i guess i just got lucky)

also note worthy; i have the TEP insurance, and they didnt even charge me the $50. it was a good day
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