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Old 02-23-2009, 02:16 AM
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Re: Warez Vs. Tethering

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
ok, im gonna try not to be rude here, your phone is on a phone as modem plan, why would sprint contact you ABOUT DOING THIS THE PROPER WAY? and btw thanks for your copy/paste, it only further proof that sprint has warnings out there that ANYTHING OTHER THAN A PAM PLAN, is misuse of your phone and a violation of TOS, thus meaning were stealing, making this a warez topic..

so thanks for that, even though im pretty sure you thought somehow you were disproving my point..
Originally Posted by Genjinaro View Post
1st get a better idea of what warez is:
Try not to skim.

LOL I'm going to try my best to explain, no you are not stealing.
If you were using a dumbphone, yes. Windows Mobile 2003, yes. There would be serious issues with this.

"Why am I so honored but they aren't?" "So Genjinaro its ok for me to do it?" you ask.

Yes, those phones do not have this ability by any standard means & the carrier "must" unlock this feature.

Windows Mobile 5.2 & 6+ puts you in a grey area, by standard issue, Windows Mobile 6 allows you to share any Internet connection you have on your device, whether it be Wifi or 3G via BT or USB. If you carrier locks it somehow then its just a tampering of the standard feature, they can prevent but they cannot force the lock unless Microsoft does not grant permission to develop anything granting. (Their method seems sloppy trying to lock it with older WM6 phones.).
Microsoft allows you to do this legally with whatever connection.
Your rights are provided by them to use this & software can be developed to enhance this.

Because of is pre-existence in the OS + legal 3rd party development there is no sole or one way to get this service on a WM6 device.
Its access depends on the legitimate software creator & their intended use of this software. The creators of WMWifi have this right & they sell it to the end user for its intended use, Microsoft has granted this right to the end user. You already have the means from the OS developers and an optional service from the carrier.

^This is a shareware scenario

Read up here to see what you are entitled to in WM6

WMWifi is also a copyrighted software.

Now on the flip:

Lets say if Sprint made a "software" called "PAM-Connect" ($25 to buy with a monthly fee of $55) this software was the only way you could get PAM and any other way would have to be a modification of this software
& Joe-hackurphone post up a file of a racked version of "PAM-Connect" for all to use or even just himself or for the hell of it.
He did not develop this software, pay for everyone to use it, nor did he have the authority to enable this feature without the 1st 2 prerequisites.

^This would be Warez. Even if he renamed it and changed the code alittle it'd be Warez.

I really hope I helped somewhat in clearing this up.
Its a "grey cloud" answer Sprint can charge but cannot force you to use this as long as its legally featured to be apart of the WM6 OS and 3rd development is legally approved to make use of it.

Ok, even when i was using a Razor connected with a regular data plan using high volumes as a modem i want contact, They arent going to enforce it! If they enforce it they risk losing there customers to other carriers. I know people that work at the local sprint store one who cooks roms for touch pros and gives them to his co-workers and at his desk is his touch pro tethered to his personal laptop, he is not on a Phone as modem plan it is not his work phone provided to him by sprint it is his PERSONAL phone, I have asked several people at the store and on the phone about this they state to me that tehy choose not to enforce it as to they do and lose customers"Money in there bank account" to other carriers IE(ATT T-Mobile Verizon)
And like it is stated in a post above mine If it is included with the base phone before sprint gets ahold of it they cannot tell you not to use it or LOCK IT.1!!!!!@1!!!!1