Originally Posted by tekstep
Hey guys i'm running into a problem when attempting to build an OS between step 3 "Creating ROM" and step 4 "Building ROM file <.nbh>. I'm getting the error:
"Some of files encountered inside project was not found:
...\SSK 1.5 Kitchen Core Rev C2\TOOLS\OS-new.nb"
I'm using the C2 kitchen with CE OS 21015. I have copied the ROM & SYS folders to the kitchen. I searched for the file "OS-new.nb" but I'm unable to locate it. I'm not sure if this file is created during this process or not.
The .nbh file does not create because of this error. Any help would be much appreciated.
Isnt that the error you get when your ROM is too large?
I think it is...
Try rebuilding and choose less options in buildOS.