Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][
Finally i fixed it!!!!
[ ] added Goggle maps with latitude
[ ] fixed active sync issue with exchange server
[ ] fixed sym key on keyboard
[ ] fixed auto complete contacts when typing on the hard keyboard
[ ] updated date and version
[ ] added TOM TOM 7 without maps.
** Thanks to mightymike and conflipper for assiting me with the keyboard issue**
Looks like it was my kitchen all!!!
That seems to be it. PM me if you have any questions or just ask in here.
Should be uploaded by tonight or tomorrow morning. (deppends on how much work i have)
If I've helped you please remember to click "THANKS" or click the button. Thanks!