Originally Posted by hectorjcenteno
Ok I've read everything and to my understanding there is no fix for the MMS? I love threaded SMS so I would hate to get rid of it, but everytime I get a picture it goes to the threaded and shows up as an X. Is there any way possible to force it to go to the outlook MMS? I do receive a lot of pictures, so it is something I need to fix. I was wondering if anyone has found a fix for it, or if I pretty much have to uncheck the threaded app when installing the kitchen?? Anything will help guys! Thanks.
I found a workaround to this. It's a little kludgy but it works. I noticed that as long as the outlook mms was open in the background and not totally closed, then it would intercept MMS before the threadedSMS app. So I set tmail.exe to run on startup. It loads, I minimize it, and as long as I never actually close it, it intercepts all my MMS.
Hope that helps.