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Old 02-21-2009, 10:47 PM
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Re: Editorial on WM 6.5

Regarding Zune integration... it's still coming... and according to the Zune folks, there will be some big announcements on that line later this year, so I anticipate Zune 4.0 to bring all of that movement this fall... just in time for the "official" release of WM6.5.

As for it being a "failing" service/product... I wouldn't say that... with the sole exception of the iPod Touch, it is truly a superior device by comparison of the hardware (feature for feature), and the current 3.0 software (even according to Gizmodo and Engadget) is pretty much on-par or better than the current iTunes in most areas (with only a few exceptions). And when you think about it, when has ANY pre-3.0 Microsoft product been worth much? It took Windows 3.0 to make it even recognized.

As for the original article... lot of criticism of WM6.5 being "too little too late", and there is a HUGE amount of that attitude that is right on the mark. Microsoft has NOT taken this very seriously, and is taking very small steps to catch up. Microsoft gets criticized by us for taking too long to innovate and improve, but when they do manage to keep up, they are criticized as being anti-competitive monopolists and told they MUST cut back.

That doesn't change the fact, however, that WM has one quality that no other mobile OS has... customization. Don't like it? No problem... build your own ROM with the functionality and design you want. Install a 3rd party solution or design your own.
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