Originally Posted by thefiverivers
just flashed b2b. looks good, pretty snappy too and lots of free ram on boot (57 mb with TF3D).
two quick q's: how do i take off the blue highlights? i thought that this theme had those disabled. second q is is there a way to just keep the white start icon but not have the large ok and x buttons? i like the stock ok and x better.
will report back as i use more. gonna apply gps fix now! thanks again scott!
No, cannot remove the blu TF3D higlights. I did not put the PHONE highlits in, like the back light on the phone keyboard, the blue toggle switches, etc. The TF3D is still blue.
I dont know how to part thoe Start button from the OK / X button. If somone else knows please just post the Start button and I will incorporate that.