Originally Posted by aldojr80
When i first got this phone i had to use the stylus to make sure i tapped and it actually responded. I have been flashing no pun intended since i got my wife her mogul( Thank you Scott and Juicy). I think a picture by picture tutorial with complete instructions would be great. As much as these guys are great even i have the tendency to say use the search button. The instructions should also include problems that might occur during flashing and how to fix it. It is more complicated then just do this and do that cus problems do occur often like even though you give perfect instructions. I think PPl can agree i hope.
I like your idea on including problems that might occur, but if you are the one flashing and have a problem and I don't.... kinda hard to write a proceedure for that ya know?
so, I've completed the text piece, and am going to put pretty pictures in my how to document. I'm waiting on approval from Scott and Ted before I post it. I want to verify accuracy and ease to use. Want a look at it?
No promises that its perfect.....