Originally Posted by rainfreak
Thanks... LOL!
Actually no one has complained of anything yet and after I made my last post I checked everything form outside my network so it looks like I didn't FUBAR it too bad. Tomorrow morning, when I am a little more "clear headed," I will be checking my config and comparing my changes to my last good running config to see what I mistakes I may have made.
For now... I just dosed up again and am too damn afraid to look at it
(and for the record, as far as company WANs are concerned, I would never consider anything other than a Cisco router for a solid, stable and dependable solution)
AGREED... ISA requires constant babysitting and 24/7 diaper change among AD; no time for homebuilt linux router box; consumer router is good before we expended; nothing is better than a solid Cisco Router.
Pain in the behind to work those things though, but once done setting it up, runs forever lol.
Now I have a fear for a blinking cursor and closets, if you know what I mean.