Ok, I'd like to direct everyone to this thread for a moment:
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=58523 Reef48 found a thread at xda
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=459125. francarl came up with a way to overlay menus with finger friendly ones. At first, I thought, it's a great idea, but MAN is it sluggish. Then I remembered this thread:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=481880 where a UPX compression utility was posted by Sir. B. I ran the compression against the menu app and WOWZA! It's so snappy and useful now!
I suggest everyone go snag
francarl's app, then follow the compression instructions on Sir. B's post at XDA, or you can download the app via links here and replace the EXE's with the compressed ones I posted. I'm really enjoying the new menus. Also, go thank Reef for bringing this to everyone's attention here.
Instructions:- Download and install FingerMenu.v1.10.cab, be sure to select yes when it asks if you want autostart.
- Next, replace the EXE's in the install folder with the EXE's in this zip: Compressed_FingerMenu.zip
- Once the EXE's have been replaced, start FingerMenu by either doing a soft reset, or by navigating to Start>Programs>FingerMenu> "Config - FingerMenu" and select "Start FingerMenu"
NOTE: If you are unable to replace an EXE because it's in use, unload it by either running "Close - FingerMenu" in Start>Programs>FingerMenu or unload it within the config "Config - FingerMenu."
You can just download and install a cab that contains the compressed EXE's, posted by ruskiyab here:
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...8&postcount=26 thanks ruskiyab
added some screen shots: (these are menus in coreplayer)

here are some more screen shots to show how it looks with different apps. I've got the phone app, calendar, contacts, advance config: