Re: sending a HOT tpuch pro back to Assurion.... autoclave?
the storage in this phone is 100% opposite of the way a hard disk works..
this phone uses persistant storage,, information is basically stored in the memory of the phone through electrical capacitance,, in a manner of speaking,,,
once the device tells a memory location to delete,, it is ghost... like it never existed...
on the other hand a hard drive,, is made up of platters that store information through magnetism,,, the drive is made up of individual sectors and a boot sector... when a file is stored on a hard drive,, there is the file itself that is stored in a section of sectors,, and then a descriptor file is placed on the drive around the boot sector.. this information tells the computer quickly where a file is stored at on the drive,, what sectors it is in,, the size of the file etc... when you delete or quick format a drive,, it doesnt wipe the file off, it only deletes the descriptor file so that your o/s cant locate it anymore,, these dod programs that wipe drives basically go through all the sectors writing dead data to all the sectors so the the deleted files can not be pulled back up,,,
so you dont have to worry on your phone,, once it is deleted it is gone forever and ever and ever,,, oh and ever
Pay the Cost to Be the Boss,, The Game is to Be Sold not to be Told