Originally Posted by mikee4fun
FormerPalmOS, wow, 21015 is the fastest ever! It took me a while to get this base and using Calkulins kitchen deployed properly but got it t o work. I am using the 21109 sys. Everything works just fine, and my TP is smokin' Anyone who wants a working kitchen for the 21015 XIP I will upload my modified Calkulins one for you. Last thing I noticed is unless I installed FInixNOver 1%, I would get a battery.xml on customizations and it would hang. If I use FInixNOver 1% oem I have no problems at all.
Interesting - I have no xml with the name battery in the file name in my kitchen - I'm just using whatever came with the stock ROM. FWIW, it's pretty much impossible to accurately report the remaining capacity of a Li-Ion battery with much more accuracy than 10%. Just so you know your 1% figure may have an error of +/- 5%. I don't bother using it but I know others like it, and the error should be somewhat consistent so if you go from 75% to 70%, you probably did indeed drain the battery somewhere in the 2% - 7% range.
Also FWIW, I've heard that 21109 was a hexedit vs. an official release (of course 21015 might have been a pre-release even if official). I did some looking and found more chinese references in the 21109 files than I was comfortable with, and the SYS was a mix of a bunch of different versions. I had a few minor issues with it - nothing major. I've been using 21015 and don't plan on switching until there is a stable 6.5 release for VZW TP.