Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS
Sounds like provisioning XMLs aren't being run - one of the PROVXMLs in the operator OEM package (mxipupdate_oemoperators_101.provxml) sets up that connection for you. If you are having to do it manually, something is phucked up. I'm using Scott's OEM pack from the 1.2 kitchen but I've tweaked it a lot since then. No experience with 1.5B.
FWIW, the .DSM files from the source OEM and SYS seem to be required on the device. I'm not sure why - they shouldn't be needed except during building ROMs, but I've noticed that if they are deleted (on purpose) the PROVXMLs won't run after flashing or hard reset and that leaves a lot of things jacked up.
Any other reason to think Autorun isn't running?
Hopefully I've given you some things to try.
P.S. Attached is the output from sysversion.exe on the SYS I am using. Make sure yours is "clean" - i.e. all 21013, 21014 or 21015. OK if WinCENLS_WWE and VoiceCommand are older.
SYSversion 1.2 by MrVanx - 2008
SYS Directory Found
No DSM Found! | .ROM
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | AdobeFlash
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | AUTOUPDATE
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | BaseApps
5.2.21014 aku 1600 | BaseAppsFiles
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | Bluetooth
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | BROWSING
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | BROWSINGCORE
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | browsingie
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | BTDUN
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | Bth_A2DP
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | Bth_HID
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | CommonNonEA
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | DRM
0.0.0 aku 0 | Dummy SQM
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | Enterprise
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | Entertainment
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | FWUPDATE
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | GPSID
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | INTERNETSHARING
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | IPSECVPN
5.2.20929 aku 1500 | IRDA
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | MediaOS
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | MediaOSFiles
0.0.0 aku 0 | Metadata
Error in version | NetCF
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | OS
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | OSFiles
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | Phone
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | PhoneRedist
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | ppgprov
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | Redist
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | RUNTIMES
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SampleMusic
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | Shell
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SIM_TKit
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SMIME
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SMS_Providers
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SQLCE
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | SqlCeMobile
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | Transcriber
5.2.21015 aku 1600 | WelcomeCenter
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WinCENLS_WWE
5.2.21013 aku 1600 | WWAN
This is what i'm seeing
I see the error on NETCF this is Net 2.0 should i just get rid of the XML Entry and the folder?