Re: !!!!!!!! Arcsoft Working 100% on STOCK TP ROM - EVEN IF SPRINT MMS WAS INSTALLED
KillerQ, to be honest with you its been working pretty good for the most part, but for some reason when I sent to my work blackberry, the picture will appear and disappear, then you close the message and open it back up it appears again. I'm using Mightymike's rom 4.10, so sprint mms was never built into this rom, but I guess if that is the only thing I can complain about I'm doing good. I think with the bigger pictures it has a problem. For instance I have some photos I took with my canon camera that I downloaded to my device and sent them to someone and they didn't get them, but the smaller one's they did. I have the cab for the 2 and 5mg size limits. I'll keep playing with, but as everyone mentioned its a great program. Thanks for you work man, much appreciation.