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Old 02-20-2009, 08:11 AM
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Re: !!!!!!!! Arcsoft Working 100% on STOCK TP ROM - EVEN IF SPRINT MMS WAS INSTALLED

Originally Posted by KillerQ View Post
It IS very big news.... give it a shot.... There's really no harm in it - as a simple install of sprints most recent picturemail cab will repair and update everything as it was (however, once you get use arcsoft, you'll NEVER go back....)


Agreed, this blows the Sprint picturemail app away completely!!

It works as advertised, as long as you have all the reg entries in place =D>

"The difference between a smart person and a wise person is that a smart person knows
what to say and a wise person knows whether or not to say it." - unknown

Funniest thread ever!!

Don't just SAY "Thanks" PRESS ... Try it, it only takes a second!
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