This breakthrough definitley deserves the flashy title...
I have a Sprint Touch Pro with the Stock ROM that DID HAVE sprint mms installed by default. No flashed Rom, ever….
I figured out what to do in order to get Arcsoft to Send and Receive and the pictures come in and display right on the device!!!!!!!! No new mail account will be created, as the mms messages are combined with your sms messages. When a picture is received, you will get a bubble with the contact's name, and picture. Just hit VIEW, and you are instantly taken to the media that was sent - it is already downloaded to your device!
In a nutshell, if you have a Sprint Stock ROM that came with Sprint Picturemail installed, then Arcsoft will NEVER run properly because the conflicting sprintmms files are not able to be uninstalled....Untill NOW!
My theory was correct.... Here's what you do...
a) This is the new step that I figured out. You must SCRUB your TP clean of any sprintmms stuff. Obviously uninstall any sprint mms cabs that you have installed.
Now, to clean the stuff that was there from the ROM install you must look at the text file I have attached.... that's everything that the sprintmms cab installs. Go through that and delete all of the files that I listed. If the file doesn’t show up in your search, then it has already been removed…that’s fine as well…
After that, soft reset.
b) Install Arcsoft here:
c) Go to HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\UI\EnableServerEdit in the registry and change it from a 0 to a 1.
d) Go into text messaging on your phone, click on MENU then Pics/Video options and click on SPRINT under the servers tab (you can now edit this because of the new reg edit you did above). change the server to Also, change the CONNECT VIA option from INTERNET to SPRINT. Now, perform a soft-reset.
e) That's it.... it now works....on a stock rom, with sprint mms having been previously installed.
f) Don't forget that there are a ton of new mms sound notification events under sounds on your phone settings.... the one that is triggered by an incoming MMS is called MMS DOWNLOADED, just FYI
g) When a new message is received a note pops on the screen with the contact’s face, then you hit view.... it's flawless!!!!!
h) To make the attached pic size (send and receive) larger, see the attached Cab files (thanks gatolsf!). One will automatically tweak the registry to allow 2mb send and receive limits, the other will allow 5mb send and receive limits (They are labeled accordingly).
Please test this, and get back.... I know it works... I am not a code/programmer at all so i am extra happy that my hard work paid off!