Originally Posted by itsastckup
Why would they release the 800 device now and then do a firmware upgrade 2-3 months later, when it can be rev a ready out the box by then. Doesnt make sense Malatesta. The overhead costs would prohibit any carrier from doing this, UNLESS they felt they absolutely HAD to. Now, why would they feel they absolutely HAD to? Lets see...the release of the IPhone, every carrier felt the heat with the release looming over their heads. The mere mention of IPhone to customer service would spur them into panic. That panic started from the top, not the bottom. Public outcry for the next big thing which was the 6800. The original date was in October if I remember correctly to aline itself with EVDO Rev A.
No offense , but you need to do some homework first.
(1) Who said it
won't launch w/EvDO RevA out of the box?
Only you.
(2) Sprint launched EvDO Rev A on 10/24/06. It's not new!
(3) As of 6/07
"Sprint reaches more than 10,000 cities and 900 airports with EV-DO Rev. A technology."
(4) The 6800 didn't launch with RevA
not b/c Sprint is "waiting" but b/c
the 6800 update is not ready!
Verizon completed their RevA update on 6/30/07 and
their 6800 also won't launch with RevA either as of 8/01, why do you think that is? HTC dropped the ball on RevA, not Sprint or Verizon.
And you are wrong about the date of the 6800, which was sited as early as
October 2006. Telus launched the 6800 back in
March and the Sprint version was to launch in
May but was reported to have been DELAYED till
the Fall but that was incorrect as they resolved issues with flashing the devices with WM6. So blame HTC for the RevA not Sprint. They are not "sitting" on the firmware update, HTC does not have it ready yet.
As far as costs and updating, might I remind you that the Sprint Motorola Q has been out since January and just got it's SECOND firmware update in nearly 8 months?
Here is
the source for the "Palm Gryphon" which is slated for 8/20 and on 8/30.
Now there is confusion as if this is the 690 or the 800w but I have not heard that Sprint is getting the 690 (Standard smarphone) only the 800w (Professional). Coincidently, Verizon had the Palm 800w
listed for the same date on its internal documents as well, which is why I think it's the 800, not the lesser version.