Ok, reflashed again and this time it worked. However... the time to lock is really long. With the older 19xxx build, it would lock in about 5 seconds. With this build (21014) it reminds me of the 6800 before the gps fix. It would lock, but who knows when.
Is there anything that can be done to get the GPS to lock like it did with the 19xxx build?
And quick question... with that older build, I had absolutely no GPSOne server info entered in QPST, and had the Valhalla GPS Server installed, and was getting the quick locks. Do I need to go back to putting in those aGPS server settings in with QPST? I have tried and it doesn't seem to do much good.
Right now, I'm running just the ROM only (I have a Sprint TP on Verizon network). I have applied 0 GPS fixes.
If anyone could tell me what's the right combo with this ROM to get the GPS to lock quickly, please let me know!