last night i installed skyfire, it crashed, turned the phone off and touchflo3d wouldn't start, so i disbaled it and re-enabled through today screen.. same problem, and would give me tap here to load msg. so i decided to reset. i reset, everything's back to normal (sprint stock rom)
everything was functioning normal, this time i decided to just keep touch flo disabled. everything was fine, then i installed g-alarm (which i've used before) it asked about the windows time problem, so i clicked yes to restart, except it didn't start back up, it stayed stuck with vibrate with a blank screen, only way to turn it off was to take out the battery, and now no matter what.. even after 'resetting' it(volume, ok, power) it wont load. it gives normal single vibration touch pro screens shows up, disappears, then it continuously vibrates in a blank screen
any way this can be fixed, or know what's going on?