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Old 02-19-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: Skyfire Version .9

Here's what I posted on their forum, is anyone else experiencing these issues?

I'm on WM 6.1 on an HTC mogul. The first and most annoying thing is that after it seems like 30 seconds or less maybe of idle, time my connection is dropped and when I come back to try and look at the page I was at, it reauthenticates and takes me back to the home page. The last version did this as well but only after a few minutes of idle time. This new version seems to do it after a few seconds

Is this what it's suppose to do? Is this happening to everybody? If so, I'm going to have to either downgrade or switch browsers even though this is by far my favorite. Because I cannnot stand having to go through my home page, then bookmarks or history just to retrieve the last page I was looking at. This is unnacceptable.

And the other issue is after i'm dropped and having to reauthenticate, most of the time it is now giving me an error saying to try again or exit. Trying again does nothing so I usually have to exit, restart Skyfire and do the steps mentioned above to get to the page I was looking at. This is crazy!
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