infection0 reporting in! I bought this battery (same seller as the OP) and USB charger on Jan 25th and received it yesterday. It took a long time.
Using it for one day:
A moderate amount of texts, no calls whatsoever (sad
) and 20 minutes of recorded audio (Resco Audio Recorder) for in-person interviews I am doing. 8AM to 9PM, 30% battery left on MightyROM 4.4.5 and Telus Radio 1.04.
I would say normally with stock battery I would have perhaps 40% by now. It is not much of a difference, especially when I am using it just as a spare. I would recommend.
Caveats: It is not a genuine battery. The front says "HTC innovation" like the genuine one, and it even has a water damage sensor (fake or not, don't ask me). The back however shows a different set of information from my two genuine batteries. The overall build feels "less quality" and the battery is a tight fit for my CDMA diamond. It also comes with this cheap looking sticker (probably a QC sticker or something) that is white and looks really ugly and is impossible to take off.
In short, it will look ugly and fit tighter than a standard battery, and provide comparable battery life (perhaps a little bit less, but certainly within the range of 1100-1340mAH. I get through the day with it, so it will function well as a backup.
-The charger- you will notice I got a charger as well. It is obviously for the 900mAH GSM version of the Diamond battery. However it charges fine, just that the battery sticks out of the hole made for it a bit and is easier to remove (don't knock it over or the battery will fall out). It does not come with a USB cable of any sort (you will need a USB mini connector supplied). Nor does it come with a power cable. Just the unit. Luckily I had a miniUSB connector to my PC lying around. I imagine the battery charges within the Diamond as well. I like it because I don't have to charge my battery within the Diamond, but I don't like it because I don't have a wall plug to miniUSB adapter available. I have to charge it using PC. Kind of sucks.
Overall good buy, slow, cheap build quality, missing cables, but do recommend if you need it.