Originally Posted by d94
Mightyke - i dont suppose you could instruct me on how i can black out 4.5+ just like 4.45 and get the contact list all black with white letters..or PERHAPS ~ you could create a rom that has both white and black and with say the long press of something button or swiping your finger from one part of the screen to another one can go from white to black that way when it gets dark, we can rock the black layout which is just awsome in the nightime..
what do you guys think of this idea?
wowwwwww, lol are we still talking about a windows mobile os ,cause that sure is not possible ,as far as i know ,maybe if someone can program something,but a tweak to do all that, don't think so!!
nice idea though ,we should sport a new os while we are at it ,wm is getting toooooo freaking old