Originally Posted by jaggrey
lol that stinks. Ok no more questions from me! For now anyway.... I'll try to contain myself til they finally release.
EDIT: lol I thought of a question. Is there any kind of GPS lag?
lol, np
GPS Lag: a little bit here and there, but I haven't studied thoroughly enough to quantify. I'm not sure about aGPS, but it doesn't seem as quick as the 800w (at least with Ebag's hacks).
Basically it needs a pretty clear line of site with the sky to work well.
OTOH, I really enjoy Google Map's "My Location" triangulation feature. Sure it's not as accurate but works great with Latitude (uses no battery, works indoors and you can leave it on 24/7).
AFAIK, this is the only Sprint WM device that supports that feature at this time.