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Old 08-08-2007, 07:32 AM
dprout69's Avatar
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Great work on this kitchen but let me ask...

1) Is it intentional that the 10-button comm mgr has no icon for sound off? If you turn the volume off with the sliders and then go into comm mgr there is no longer an icon under ringer.

2) Other than making ext rom hidden, is there a way to make the ext rom not show as a storage card or to mount the actual storage card before the ext rom loads because this set up is forcing certain programs to automatically write to the ext rom which is not something that is necessarily desired i.e., live search sets the cache here and there appears no way to move it anywhere else. As well, outlook wants to load the mail attachments here.

3) Does anyone else get the sensation that this build is not as peppy and a little buggy? I dont know what it is as I am not able to place my finger on it but for some reason I find myself having to tap my screen more than once to get something to click (less responsive) and menus dont just pop up they kind of crawl (compared to the 1.02 kitchen build). Keep in mind I'm not talking about changing menu animations or altering the cache etc. Before all the adjustments are made, my unit is usually very snappy - kinda gets bogged down as Im loading all my software and then picks up again after I alter the caches and turn off animations. With this build however it kind of feels heavily bogged down from the start (I put next to nothing on my rom build). As well I have seen some very strange behavior such as blinking cursors, such as you would see at the end of a line of text, in the middle of the today screen and the whole 'locking up when soft rebooting' thing and also other minor stuff happening (nothing consistent, but def. obvious and fluky) such as going into settings > today and clicking on options for say audionotes and being brought to the options for spb phone suite (both installed after the kitchen but worked flawlessly together on every other rom)

4) Was using internet sharing yesterday and for whatever reason the unit kept switching back and forth btwn evdo and 1x... I dont know if it was a system thing or a unit thing but overall very poor performance. Ill keep an eye on it.

Thanks and again great work.
Peace Within...
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