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Old 08-08-2007, 05:37 AM
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plargen excellent analysis but if you are allowing any of your ExtROM to load then you've missed the point of building in the Sprint Carrier Customization OEM. The reason those exist is so you don't have to install the ExtROM contents.

I made those OEMs for a few reasons (one of which is to leave out the junkware) but the main reason is that these ExtROM cabs were designed to be applied to an AKU2 environment--so in cases like the Apache lockup cab it is actually overwriting newer dlls in your ROM with OLDER (AKU2-era) ones. That's why your text messages got screwed up.

For the very first person who had this problem, we narrowed it down to the fact that he was letting the ExtROM install (even after building in the OEM package for his carrier). I suspect every person that has experienced this issue since then is doing the same thing (whether they realize it or not).

Just to reiterate for anyone else reading, so there is no confusion--by checking the box for your carrier while building your ROM you have already included all of the "good" parts of the ExtROM contents into the ROM itself--you should therefore never allow the ExtROM to install on the first boot (do a soft reset at the "customize your device in 3 seconds" box). To save yourself that hassle in the future also include the "Unlock and Unhide ExtROM" OEM (it is selected by default). Then you can tap the "ExtROM Unlock" application in Start->Programs, navigate to "Extended_ROM2" using file explorer, and delete out all that crap. Once it's gone you won't ever have to worry about preventing it from installing.
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