Originally Posted by Konfuzion
That sucks, my girl friend has complained a little about solitaire running a little slow at time since she went from stock too Mikes but she still would rather use Mikes. I have yet to find a solution for it either.
I don't know anything about kitchens or cooking ROMs, but I am a software developer, so I'm going to go out on a limb here (albeit a short limb) and conjecture that the speed issues may be one of Mike's tradeoffs to gain speed in other parts of the system (i.e., TF3D). There are a finite number of processor clock cycles in a given time period, and how those are allocated amongst all the running tasks determines which ones are fast and which are slow. I suspect Mike may have made a judgement call and taken cycles away from low-priority tasks like Solitare and given them to other parts of the system to make the overall system run faster (which we all love!). Just a thought.