Originally Posted by quarky42
Interesting! I did not know what that application was. Thanks for explaining it!
I want to add: There was a file in that directory (\windows\omc) on my HTC Diamond called "omc_out.log" and it was 35 freaking megabytes big! It was hogging up my entire storage area. The regular "find" feature on windows mobile didn't work or I didn't see it in the list.
I only noticed it when I used SKTools to find out how my memory was being used. There was a tool in there that displayed the percent of memory used by each folder. Once I got into that folder (\windows\omc) and found that stupid log file I viewed it. In the log file 98000+ times there was a line "TRG: bad notification msg version: 46.9" repeated.
Stupid HTC in their infinite stupidity failed to put a check in omc.exe that limits the size of the log file. Those twits! So some stupid version error lead to my main storage memory getting filled up and the error "Storage memory is critically low" coming up all the damn time these last few days.
Makes me want to kick a HTC programmer the nuts just on general principal. Isn't there a commandment "Thout shalt not fill thy memory with crap!"
I write all this so that someone else searching google for "\windows\omc\omc.exe" might have a chance of finding this or people searching for "storage memory is critically low" along with HTC Touch Diamond terms... They will be able to read this and simply delete the omc_out.log file if it is very large.
has anyone else done this, and by doing this I will gain 35mb of device storage space??? I haven't ever hear of this....???? And I can't even find the file, in my omc folder total comander says it is only 375 kb big, is this file hidden?