Re: RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.15 Updated 2/16/09
I am all for trying .16 version... will kick it off in a sec here..
only two issues I saw in .15 were :
1. Data connection randomly stopped working and I had to soft reset.
2. Weather did not update - no matter what city I chose - looks like this is already addressed in .16 version.
BTW, I don't see that fine grained background image on my TP here... am I doing something wrong ?
Also, is there a link for making UC work for me... I am a long time user fo ROMs, but haven't tried doing UC ever, sounds like I could raelly benefit as I end up installing a few programs after every time I install new ROMs... any links would be appreciated.
"Karmanyev Adhikaraste : Karma is what we should do with our best effort... "