Just What is Microsoft Up too????????
From what we've seen and heard so far, WM6.5 is bacically another update to WM6.0 adding some different and requested options same as 6.1 did with Threaded Text messaging and a better Task Manager.
Lets take into consideration the new "so called" improvments in 6.5. The "Honeycomb" interface, Removing the Start and Programs menus and making the system more finger friendly. Ok, we appreciate that MS, but from what we've seen of the Multitouch functons inclued in WM7, what the hell is positnt of realeasing 6.5?
Some reports area also making it seems like current 6.1 devices will not be alble to be updated to 6.5. Only new devices being realeased with 6.5 with be able to be updaed with WM7. THAT SUCKS , MS!
Google's Android, Apple, and Palm's webOS are all light years ahead of of Windows Mobile in functions and custtomer rrequested imporvements. Hell Google is about to realease the Dream 2 with some updates for Android.
Not to mention I dont think most of us who really enjoy HTC's TF3D will really enjoy the Hoeycomb interface. I wouldnt be surprised if Google comes out with some type of TF3D like interface.
What does microsoft hope to accomplish by bringing WM6.5 out and not offering us WM7 until next year? How come we sw pics of WM7 long before we ever saw in pics of WM6.5? Were the WM7 photos a fake? I already have a perfectly usable WM7 theme in WAD.
I tell you one thing Microsoft seems to have hit a success with Windows 7. They better start showing some attention to Windows Mobile.
Phone History (last 2yrs or less): Sanyo5500>Sanyo8300>SamsungA920>Moto i930>Moto i870>Moto Q>The Mogul & a iC902> Touch Pro & iC902>Touch Pro and a Palm Pre> just a Pre for now>>HTC EVO (white)!