Originally Posted by detroit_doug
OK then, lets start at the beginning and work our way into the problem if we can...
Thank you very much, your help is much appreciated!
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
1st - turn off the phone then back on, in the lower right of the screen what is displayed there - there should be 3 settings displayed
Within the R setting is there a number or a message of "no radio"
R: 3.42.50
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
2nd - lets step back and find out the process in which you flashed
Did you unlock with IMCokeMans unlocker utility and which one?
early january: used bell 3.09.666 OEM carrier EXE. all went fine, updated he radio to 3.42.50 ROM. This is the latest Carrier EXE, directly from HTC. At that point the phone worked flawlessly.
end of january: decided to try unlocking to load NFSFAN 1.27 ROM (uh-oh!).
- used coke 2.31 loader to unlock, then watched it display Coke 2.31 upon entering boot loader (tricolor) mode.
- ran the RUU Upgrade Utility and loaded the NFSFAN 1.27 ROM. All went normally.
- used it for a day, had some bugs in it (touch flo issues in today screen), had too many apps I don't use.... Anyway, decided decided to revert to the OEM ROM the next day.
- Couldn't reload the OEM ROM directly from the RUU upgrade: getting RUU error 328(Invalid Command). Started to get worried...
- Ran the carrier exe again and located the temp directory where its 20 constituant files were located and copied the VOGUIMG.nbh to a new directory.
- installed it on my FAT32 formatted OEM 512MB SD card, then put it in bootlader mode. everything went automatically after that, it flashed from there, let the customizations run after the first run and everything went back to normal, except for the bootloader, which stayed as "coke 2.31".
- used the phone for about 2 weeks like that, until last night, after I read that I should have reloaded the Coke 0.40 loader, which allows overwriting the loader when the carrier exe is run again, so that I could reload the carrier exe and get everything back to normal.
- During the last two weeks, i di experinece some odd diffiuclties. It seemed to me that the signal wasn't as good. although the signal strength seemd to be failry similar to before. in other words, it
seemed to be abit weaker. Also, I tried some large (10-40MB) downlods, whii failed (interrupted connections). That's when I figured something must have gone wrong in previous flashes.
Last night, decided to do it the proper way, by loading the Coke 0.40 loader, so that running the carrier EXE would be possible (I thought) and revert everything back to OEM, loader and ROM.
- after getting the 0.40 Coke loader in, it automatically continued and booted by itself while I was reading the instructions on the loader DOS box. Never thought anything about it, but am now wondering if I didn't go wrong right there?
- Tried to run the Carrier EXE to reload the latest Bell ROM, failed with error 328 (Invalid Conmmand)
again!. So I reloaded the carrier VOGUIMG.nbh file from the sd card like I did previously, and everything went back to normal (loader and software), EXCEPT that now the phone was OFF. No problem, I thought, and activated it from the comm manager. Unfortunately, got No Service
- Went to bed at 5, after trying all these different avenues, uninstalling and reinstalling WMDC and Active Sync on each of my 2 computers (one Vista, the other XP). Couldn't get it to work on the XP, so didn't pursue that avenue.
- Posted on the forums for help, then at 5, went to bed.
This morning, woke up at 9 so I would one of the first to call customer service, for a quick answer with little waiting time.
- Brewed a strong coffee and called customer service. Was answered to very rapidly.
- Asked if it was possible that I had lost the A-Key in the flashing process. Was scolded for even playing with the PST (heck, I'm an upfront guy)
- Was told to reset the phone (cold boot, which I tried before with no different result).
- at that point was told my phone was probably defective, after telling the tech that I had been experiencing data comnection problems of late, so the tech's interpretation of a defective phone seemed valid, even if I was told that playing with the PST could be the cause of the problem, and that he couldn't fix it over the phone, that it would have to be sent in (under warranty), which would take anywhere from 2 weeks to one month (!).
- decided to try unlocking again with 2.31 unloacker, and loaded the latest NFSFAN ROM (1.2
. This time again, surprisingly, the RUU update went normally from the USB. In other words, running NFSFAN's ROM with the RUU utility went without any problems. But upon phone restart, still no phone service!
- Ran QPST to check the configuration and compare with the one I had saved back in January, when I first got the phone. Noticed the one I just read and the backup one were of different sizes. Tried loading that, and soft reset the phone again. No difference!
- Ran out of ideas and came back online to check any new messages... Thanks for your timely help!!!
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
3rd - Did you upgrade the radio (the R from above) what is the version number from the R settings
First thing I did, running the Bell OEM Carrier EXE. The radio worked great at that point, seemingly better than when I got the phone, which had the original ROM from the year before. In any case the phone worked better with the nwe ROM.
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
4th - what ROM are you using? did you grab a GSM ROM and use it mistakenly? or perhaps one for a different yet similar phone? (believe me it does happen often)
Nope, I did not. I read for several weeks and many hours before attempting unloccking the phone. I set the computer to no hibernation, deactivated my AV and firewall as well.
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
* what carrier is your plan with?
Bell Mobility
Originally Posted by detroit_doug
Lets start with those and get some idea where we are going and then go from there
Detroit Doug
Hope your eyes aren't burning out from all that reading, and that I've been clear and detailed enough...
Thanks for helping!!!