Originally Posted by touch_rules
Taken from the thread above:
Thanks. I changed the value to 0 and my results are:
Burst mode now only takes 1 picture at a time, not sure if this is good or not
Sports mode takes 5 pics quickly and does not freeze and does save the pics.
The reason this is important to me is that my hands are too shaky which they are not very shaky at all to take a good picture in regular mode. Every pic comes out blurry. In sports or burst mode it takes it so quickly it does not matter and I get good pics and just delete what I don't want.
Mike and LilRico, can we please come up with a fix for this to get it to work like you have on the pro? Thank you so much for your help, and again, I love the ROM.
I would have thought it was the other way around--that Burst mode would take 5 pics real fast and Sport mode would take one pic with a very fast shutter speed (to freeze the action in a fast-moving sports scene). I'll have to play with/research these modes further.