Originally Posted by slypher
So when you do this....when a picture message comes in, do you get the actual pic on your phone, or do you get a link that sends you to the picmail site?
Slypher -
Yea, that the the whole point, and driving force behind wanted to figure this out over the past several months... It works just like 'regular' phone pic mail. It will download quietly to your phone (an icon actually pops up showing that it is downloading) then when it's done a bubble pops up with the contact's face (if you have one) and you click on view - then it opens full screen in the app....instantly. It's great!
Originally Posted by w7excursion
Can you take some screen shots of what an incoming pic looks like? I tried that version and it was unstable so Im hesitant to try this again. I have an older version that works now along with sprint pic mail. And does the send voicemail option work also?
Are you on a flashed rom, or are you using arcsoft 3.x? I can post pics when I have time....but here is one example from someone else....mine was the same:
(note, when I sent myself a pic from the sprint.com pic mail option on my account, it showed like the above link, and it has a play button - when I send pics from my phone, they simply show up as a picture. You do not need to hit that play button, however, you will see the image regardless)