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Old 02-15-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.11 Updated 2/10/09

Rom update, I'll also be updating the clean rom in the morning, updated first post, Only stuff in green is in the clean rom.
It isn't so clean any more, but it is a almost-bare-bones-fun-and-functional-rom! You might want to set InCallRecording (StartMenu-Programs)
Options to record to storage card so it will record to \Internal Storage\Recordings. It will be fixed in the next release...


And Thanks to ALL that also use my personl rom!

Originally Posted by Change Log

Version 1.7.14

- Set Opera Gsensor to "don't rotate fool...", rotate now via "long send key Press"...done.
- Added Clear Temp w/common settings tweak. StartMenu-Programs-Utilities..done.
- Messages Tab +/- images back in for custom wallpaper purposes...done.
- Added In Call Recording. While on a call, select Menu-InCallRecording to start...Done.
- Populate Program Tab w/programs...done.
- Discontinued updating Buuf Rom, added links to icon cabs in 1st post...done.

So you guys can dress up your Manila, added to first post:

Additional TF3D Icon Downloads:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ................... Popular Buuf icons

For eleven more icon sets from this author, visit 12aon's thread @ xda : Buuf Icon + Tabs

If you find more cool icons/tweaks, LET ME KNOW!!!!! TIA...

If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 02-15-2009 at 12:24 AM.
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