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Old 02-14-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: [2-8-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.5 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]


after a week of using 1.5, i have to say......THANK YOU!!!!!!......this ROM is the real deal! i don't think i'll be flashing again for a while as this ROM is the closest thing to my vision of perfect out of any ROM for any device that i have ever owned....the previous title holder was no2chem's mogul ROM (5058 i believe).....if you feel comfortable PMing me a mailing address, i got a gas card for Shell or Exxon/Mobile with your name on it brother....i don't do pay-pal...

my only slight gripe with this ROM is something i have mentioned before but it is hard to explain. i have a feeling that it can be changed by a setting but i don't know what/where it is so, please, if anyone reading this knows please reply and educate me. Opera's 'flick scrolling' or 'scrolling inertia'....basically how much pages scroll with one flick on the screen....on other ROMs that have the same version of Opera(juggalo's i think) when i flick scroll the page continues to scroll for a while, in this ROM it hardly does at all... does anyone know how to tweak this? i may try installing a newer version of Opera to fix it.

to those experiencing battery drain, try a hard reset and put the thing down for a 1/2 hour while customizations run. i have a feeling that the battery drain issue is caused by something not loading correctly on initial boot/load. the reason i say this is because after reading this site until my eyes bleed over the last few months i've realized that this is a common issue that a % of people have with ALL ROMs. check the threads....theres always at least a few posts from people with this issue in every ROM thread. it seems to me that it is an anomaly in the flash/hard-reset/first load/boot process. almost like there may be a slight flaw in the bootloader that hiccups every now and then...and if it happens to trigger when you are on first boot after flash or hard-reset, it screws something crucial up. so before you give up on this exelent ROM, try a reflash or hard has worked for me....if it works for you, you can thank me by clicking the button in this post.....

cheers all
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