Originally Posted by indagroove
I would have if there was a permalink to this app. Since there is not, my link was never a mirror and I complied with his instructions exactly. Nice try though.
Originally Posted by indagroove
If you don't wanna honor no2's request, to only link to his permalinks, I guess that's your purgative. If you are uploading externally, guess what -- that's a mirror. If there is no permalink to a specific file that is only available through the donator CP, I bet no2chem has a reason.
You need an original to make it a mirror. He doesn't post this driver in his control panel. However, he does post the whole rom with the driver in his control panel and publicly on his website. I can appreciate that you want to stick to your argument. Unfortunately, are not in the right in this case which is fine. I have been wrong plenty of times in the past and have no issues with that. We have both made some good contributions to this forum and made it better as a result. Continuation of this conversation will serve no purpose than to shadow our contributions to this forum. If you want to continue then feel free, but it will be one sided at this point.