Re: Bluetooth Icon Disappeared in Taskbar
I may also have this problem with my Touch Pro and I have been watching the phone and saw it disappear. When this happens the phone drops the Bluetooth connection to my hands free car kit and the car kit can not re-establish a connection.
When this happens I can go into the Comm Manager in TF3D and it still indicates that Bluetooth is enabled. If I try to turn Bluetooth off (using the little toggle in the TF3D Comm Manager) it will flip to off and back to on again. The Bluetooth icon is still missing from the taskbar.
I have found that it seems that the Bluetooth just goes away (crashes?) on its own once in a while. At first the way I was getting Bluetooth back was a reboot. I have since found that I can go into the Settings, Click the Connections tab, and then click Bluetooth. If I then click "Add a new device..." I will quickly see an error message (can't remember what it says, something about a problem with bluetooth) but the Bluetooth icon will suddenly reappear on the taskbar. If I am in the car the car kit will connect automatically within a couple of seconds.
Kind of annoying that Bluetooth just seems to die on this phone. At least I have found a faster way of getting it back without waiting for a reboot. I have not done anything funny with my dialer skin or WMWiFiRouter and the phone is stock so I do not know what might be causing this. Maybe this phone does not like the Parrot handsfree...