Originally Posted by jbarns
Not sure if its me or opera or the rom.
But i keep getting Out Of Memory, Please Close a Tab to Free Up Memory.
I only have 2 tabs open in Opera and no other programs running. I used to be able to use 5 tabs at once.
Thanks again Mike and Rico for the great rom!
Have you cleared cache in opera. Also, you can apply a setting in opera:config to have the cache applied to internal storage.
1. To clear cache memory, open opera, hit the right key, settings, Privacy, and delete cache.
2. To apply cache to internal storage, clear the address bar and type opera:config in the address bar in opera. Scroll down and select user prefs, scroll down to cache directory4, type in \internal storage\ replacing \windows\ * it should say now \internal storage\Opera9\cache\
Then scroll to the very bottom, save and confirm saved, exit out and for now on your cache memory will be applied to the internal storage. You can still clear it occassionally by doing step 1 but it's up to you. good luck.